Clifford is an app concept aimed at helping hospital goers with the anxiety and frustration with simply being there and waiting.
CLIFFORD is the perfect hospital companion app. Future features include an Arcade, Interactive Map, Film and TV viewing, and a Profile tab. Futher user testing is required with the addition of these features, but I’m sure users will love them as much as I do.
Hospitals are the cornerstones of modern-day society, but are oddly behind when it comes to patient ammenities and care. While BC has a wonderful healthcare program, patient satisfaction is left to be desired.
The problem space I’ve chosen involves the discomfort occuring in waiting rooms at hospitals, and determining whether patients would benefit from a waitlist function and distracting tasks.
More than 50% of patients say sitting in the waiting room is stressful
More than 10 Million ER visits per year
3.2 Hours spent for an E.R. visit
I made three assumptions for this project:
I believe an application with a wait list feature and time-consuming tasks for patients waiting in the ER will provide a more positive experience to patients.
“Hospitals are inherently stressful, so anything to reduce that stress is a good thing”
“I find hospital staff to be very cold when it comes to things like asking for wait times”
“Seeing people in the waiting room going in to see the doctor adds to stress. Did they forget?”
“Having access to WiFi would help those without data plans”
“Netflix is really nice as a distraction from waiting for long periods of time”
“Meditation apps may help some people, but more value can be seen in other distracting tasks like mind games or colouring books”
“Doctors typically run late, so expecting to take longer than normal”
“Nurses don’t provide wait times, and usually get annoyed when asked about it”
“Difficult to provide information to friends or family becuase there isn’t anything to update them with”
Here’s a collection of possible User Stories that could apply. This is not a complete list, as stories can develop with further research.
The first epic demonstrates the booking process, in which a patient may need to book an appointment, or check their wait time digitally. Booking appointments were of interest from user research.
The second epic is crucial for navigating the patient through the problem space that is a hospital. They may need directions to a specific room, or simply where the nearest washroom is.
The task flow represents a few possible User Stories, starting first with the location of the patient. The hospital home page acts as “companion” in the hospital, assisting with various tasks. The booking home page is simply a page for the patient to pre-book appointments and view local hospitals.
Here are some Exploratory Sketches.
...and a POP by Marvel Paper Prototype.
Here are the Wireframes.
Results from First Round of Testing...
- Users were asked to complete 4 tasks: Sign In, Check into the Hospital, Get Directions, and Navigate towards the Appointment.
Success Rate
- All users successfully completed all tasks.
- Many users commented that the icons were difficult to read, and weren’t immediately obvious what they were for.
- Users also commented that the check-in flow wasn’t super straight forward
- Adding quick actions would help the home screen’s functionality.
- User suggested to add AR to the route guidance.
Second Round of User Testing.
Results from Second Round of Testing...
- Users were asked to complete 4 modified tasks: Sign In, Check into the Hospital, View Current Appointment, and Navigate towards the Appointment.
Success Rate
- All users successfully completed all tasks.
- User suggested to modify the Home button, moving the location to the bottom bar, and relocate the Profile page to the top button, making it more familiar to other other apps.
- User commented that the Check-in flow was confusing as the buttons weren’t in a familiar place.
- Users commented that they wished to see more details about their appointment, such as when to show up, and the doctor they’ll be seeing
Final Version.
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in port moody, bc